Car-versations: In which I am pretty sure I get condescended to by a 4 year old.

Mom: Hey guys! See that bike shop over there? Look at all those bikes!

Meg: Do they have three wheels? Like our bikes?

Mom: No, those have two wheels. You know how Mommy and Daddy’s bikes have two wheels? Well, one day you will learn how to ride a bike with just two wheels, too!

Meg: Why does it not fall over?

Mom: Balance, honey! You have to use your balance to keep the bike up.

Ben: You know what you need to keep a bike with two wheels from falling over?

Mom: Balance?

Ben: No. Two more little wheels.

Mom: Huh.

Ben: Yeah. You buy them in the store.

Mom: Oh.

Ben: And then you attach them.

Mom: Mm.

Ben: And then you won’t fall over.

Mom: I got it, Lance Armstrong.

It's a present from my son!


  1. Hilarious!! I love this!

  2. Too funny! Guess he told you! Found your blog via Scary Mommy!

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