Family trip!

Hello all!!

I am leaving for “vacation” today. Those of you who are up on grammar and punctuation are saying, “wait, ‘vacation’ doesn’t need to be in quotes.” It does when you are traveling by yourself with 4-year-old twins.

I am flying out to North Carolina with the kids to visit their Aunt and Grandma. Mike is staying home and taking the week off work so he can attend to pressing matters like drinking beer and scratching his balls.

I am not too worried about the trip — we did this trip last year and it was awesome until the very last hour. But I will report back when we return. If you have a moment today, pour some out for your homey in the sky with her kids.

So while I am gone, I am going to put up some old posts of mine. If you are here for the first time and found me through this month’s Parent Map magazine — WELCOME! You can check out my Greatest Hits link on the right to get the flavor of the blog.

I will undoubtedly be Twitaging (I can call it whatever I want!) while I am gone, so feel free to follow along at @pileofbabies (or click the link on the right).

I’ll be back on Friday the 13th!!!


Today’s flashback post is about my love affair with God, do I love Etsy.