I’m back! Hello, 70-something degrees, I missed you terribly.

Hello everyone!

Back from my trip to visit Grandma and the Aunts down in North Carolina! We had a great time. Had a lot of new INDOOR experiences. Because in North Carolina, last week was either a) 105 degrees and humid as hell or b) raining like crazy with lightning and thunder. Not a lot of time spent at the park, let’s just say.

The kids were rock stars on the plane, as always. I actually thought we might get through this trip airport-incident free. I am an idiot. We met Daddy at baggage claim, who was looking very, very cute — a week without his family was good to the man — got our suitcases and car seats, and started heading out. BY THE WAY — my suitcase was the FIRST one that came out and our car seats were numbers 4 and 5. I am telling you guys, that is the kind of shit I LIVE for. I almost started the wave but the other passengers were not cooperative. Haters.

So we get our stuff and start heading out of the airport via the Up escalator, when my daughter (I think I need to start using “blog aliases” for my kids. If you have suggestions, let me know) decided she was going to stop walking. Yup. Had enough. All done. No more walking. My son and I were already halfway up the escalator when she made this decision, so she and Mike were stuck at the bottom. My boy freaked the fuck out, turned around, and started trying to run down the Up escalator while screaming “DADDY!!!!! I LOVE YOU, DADDY!!!”  We may have caused a scene as I tried to drag one child off the escalator and Mike tried to push the other on. Good times.

Sometimes my life is like one of those overly dramatic “Not Without My Daughter” type movies. I am played by Ashley Judd (she gives good crazy), Mike is played by Liam Neeson, and our kids are named “Merciless” and “Fucking Nuts” (two first names, like Sarah Jessica Parker).

I was not planning on posting today, but I was working on tomorrow’s post about the national treasure that is Sky Mall magazine and I decided that it deserved its own, separate post. So that one is coming tomorrow.

Good to be home!