Car-versations: The prison bitch edition.

Mike was home for the day, so he drove the kids to camp with me on Wednesday.

Me: “Hey guys, guess what?! We’re planning a play date with Daddy’s friend Shan and his little boy, Cooper!”

Megan and Ben: “Yay!”

Megan: “Is Cooper a baby?”

Me: “I think he’s about a year old?”

Megan: “Oh. I’m going to call Cooper, ‘Little Jo Jo’.”

Me: “Little Jo Jo??”

Megan: “Yeah.”

Me: “………….Little Jo Jo.”

Mike: “She’s like the guy who assigns nicknames in prison.

‘What’s your name?’


‘That’s nice. I’m gonna call you Little Jo Jo.'”


My weekly wrap-up:

The PoliticusHeadline Round Up

Imperfect Parent: Did you know that every time you click on one of my articles at Imperfect Parent, an angel gets its wings? and I make about 1/8th of penny? But, you know, do it for the angels.

A fellow blogger (I Miss You When I Blink) has started a tumblr site that have all the weird and freaky-deeky search terms people use to get to blogs. A few of us have contributed, and they are pretty awesome.  It’s hilarious…….in a scary and tragic way. Check it out: Search Party.